Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I'm a Facebook user. I joined Facebook February of 2008. I have 2200 friends on there. I only talk to the ones I know such as close friends, family, coworkers, my managers, teachers, and etc. At times, Facebook can be addicting because it’s a social networking, and sometimes you can find out a lot about a person. Facebook causes trouble, but its u to you if you want to be a part of the drama. I put meaningful things, or something that represents me on my status because when people view my page, I want them to get a good understanding of the person I am. I also feel comfortable with the postings on my status because a lot of people be liking my status. 

I'm confident when it comes down to my manager or coworker to view my page because my page doesn’t reveal   much, nor does it exploit me. My page is always clean because I don’t like my page to be filled with a lot of nonsense, so I delete posts as I go. When viewing my page, I like my page to be clean and organized nicely. I don’t just keep my page clean for my employment, but I do it because people are noisy, and sometimes they will try to be in your business. I feel like if a person’s page reveals a lot that it shouldn’t stop them from getting a job because you will never know unless you give them a chance. Also, in my eyes that’s wrong to stereotype a person because of their Facebook page. 

I think that companies jump on Facebook bandwagon is because they try to copy there theme, understand their logos, see what the company is about, and how they became about. I also feel that most business interfere with other business because they are jealous of the outcome, and try to take their customers. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


My major is Pre Law. I choose this field because I always wanted to be a lawyer.  Another reason why I want to be a lawyer is because everytime I turn around, I hear the same majors that everyone wants to be. I like to be different, and I also like to help others out. Being a lawyer is something I've always wanted to be a lawyer because I like the type of major it is. I like dealing with the law, and I also like doing whats right.I see myself being in the courtroom, and doing whats right for others. I am going to be a Prosecutor because I believe  in helping the right side.

My strengths would be arguing a valid point, and winning the argument. I argue until my point is across because I like winning. Not only do I like winning, but I like for justice to be served the correct way.Another strength I have would be describing the seem, and persuading the jurors. I say that is because I convince people when I talk that you should always do whats right because if you don't then it will come back to hunt you in the end. Describing the scene is a strength because people like to imagine they there, and I would put them in the shoes that the person I'm representing was in at the moment. A strength would be writing and reading the information. I hate writing and reading because I think its boring and pointless. Now since I know that I will need reading and writing for the rest of my life, I'm adapting to it, and learning from it.

When I graduate, there are three states I plan to stay in. First state is California. I want to stay there because I never been, and when I be reading up on it, I read how nice it is. Second is Florida. I would stay in Florida because I would be close to beaches. Last but not least, I would stay in Atlanta , Georgia. I think thats the best choice for me because They don't have earthquakes, nor do they have hurricanes. Atlanta is where most wealthy people stay, and I would fit in with the population. 

My employment situation now is working at Kroger's in customer service. I don't plan to be there for long because I know where I want my future to go. I also know that Kroger's is a job just to get through college.  Another reason why Kroger isn't my ideal job is because it want pay all my bills, and in the future my desire is to live large.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I agree and disagree. If the television  were to ever get unplugged, our kids would be more educated ,  independent human being, but I don’t think that they would be healthier. The reason why I think our kids would be more educated is because they would focus on their work, and would be able to get their work done. By there being no television, kids would learn how to go without television, and they would get adapt to not watching television. Only reason why our kids watch television is because we be bored, and sometimes we procrastinate when it comes to doing our work because we put television first.  At times, it can be very hard for our kids to not watch television, but as parents, I think that they should put their foot down and let their kids know that television can’t be watched until everything is done.

Our kids would  be known as independent human being because they never relied on television. They would know how to survive out here in the real world because they were able to learn because television wasn’t stopping their view.  Also, it would be easier for our kids to do things on their own because television didn’t influence their success life.       

I disagree with our kids being more healthier. If television didn’t exist, then our kids would be out of shape. I say that is because television soothes a kid mind, and make them feel comfortable. By television not being here, our kids constantly eat, they would be miserable, and they would sleep. In order to have a god health, you have to be healthy, and without television, how do you expect our kids to become healthy.

I see what television would do to a kid if he/she couldn’t watch it. The kid became grumpy, mad all the time, didn’t want to do any homework, and always thought his parents were wrong for not letting him watch television. Parents play a huge part in this situation because they shouldn’t never let a kid watch television at a young age. The parents should make sure the kids responbilties are done, and when they done everything they were instructed, that’s when they should be allowed to watch television.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I chose Palmer Hayden picture because not only was he a part of the Harlem Renaissance, but because this picture expresses a lot of emotions His picture also reflects on how the days should have been in the past. This picture shows a lot of happiness, cheerful people, people enjoying their time, and people who like to be involved with each other.  In this picture, you can tell that everyone was enjoying their time, and the music. The theme of the picture looks like full of happiness, bundle of courage. I say that is because when I look at the picture, I see people being thankful because their together and I also see joy in their aces when they dance.    
This painting also expresses love.  By the people dancing and laughing let me know that they have love for one another. This picture also shows when this o picture was taking, and why it was taking. I think it was taking to show what real love was, and to express to people that getting along with others is a good thing. This painting captures the moment of elements because it was painted very good. It also states what the painter’s attitude was when he was painting this picture.
I like this picture because it made me feel like I was actually there watching Palme Hayden paint this picture. This picture really touched me because now days we don’t have love for one another, nor do we get along with others. We always want to fight or harm one another. But, this picture shows something else, and how they enjoyed each other’s company in the past.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I choose to write about Palmer Hayden because not only was he in the Harlem Renaissance, but because his painting seemed to tell a story. This painting to me seems like it tells a lot about expresses love. It shows that everyone is getting along in picture and that means something. His paintings represents what a real painting suppose to look like to it captures the essence of the moment. harlem_hayden_jeunesse_lg