Friday, June 3, 2011


If books were to be abonded, I would one meanginful book. The book I would save is the Bible. The reason why I would save that book is becasue the Bible never told me wrong, and it always guides me when I'm in need. Also, the Bible is a good book to read becasue the stories are true, and people need to know what the Bible consits of. Knowing the Bible is a good thing becasue it is very important, and it holds a powerful meaning. Sometimes when I'm down, I can read the Bible and it upholds my spirit.

Some people might not know the Bible, and some do. It is a good chance that knowning the Bible want never fail you, nor leave you behind. I always felt in knownig the Bible would bring good gesture and good thoughts, and in my eyes, it does. Sometimes, I dont like to read, but I know that I can always read the Bible and feel better than before. Reading the Bible is what I would reccommend to others who are lost and every felt like giving up on life becasue hopefully the Bible would touch you like it did me. 

I might act a fool, and pretend that I dont know the bible, but I know enough to get me through. Sometimes I dont have time for church, but when I do, I go and recieve the word! In other words, the Bible is a good book, and is a good thing becasue ou will never feel left behind because God will always be with you. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Favorite Moie

I have two favorite ultimate movies, but one of the movies I like the most. The two movies that I like are The Lion King, and Men Of Honor. Men Of  Honor is my favorite movie because it caught my attention, and it stood out more. Also, I like that movie is because it represents how people were treated back in the day, and what people would do in order to get respect. In this movie, it talks about a man named Carl Breshear who wants to become a nay diver. In the movie, there were a lot of men who doubted him because of his skin color. His instructor gave him a hard time because he knew that Carl Breshear was a good nay diver, and he was striving to be the best. As he progressed throughout the movie, he showed that he wanted to become a navy diver.

When Carl Breasher was on the boat, this medal piece cut his leg because he pushed this man out the way and saved his life. By Carl saving his life, he sacrificed his life, and took a chance on dying.  Carl was in the hospital for a couple of months, and they tried to take his career away because they felt like he wouldn't be able to dive. The board told Carl that if he walks twelve steps, then they would reinstate him to active duty, but he have to wear this suit that is 290 pounds. At that time, his instructor gave in and became cool with him because he understood that he is a good navy diver, and no matter what, that he will get the stunt done. Carl had to walk his twelve steps in the court room in front of a couple of people. Remember, Carl has a real leg, and a fake leg, and that the suit weighs 290 pounds by itself. He walks the twelve steps, and his real leg breaks on the eighth step. Sunday(instructor) walked him through the rest of the steps causing him to finish his steps, and be reinstated to active duty.

The actors are Cuban Gooding Jr who played as Carl Breshear, and Robert DeNiro who played as Sunday. The movie came out in 2000, and was directed by George Tillman Jr.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I agree and disagree with technology being good for us. Depending on how you use technology, it is a benefit for us. Not all technology is good, but if a person use it right, then it would be good for us. Ex., microwaves are good for us because if a person does not feel like cooking, then they can put the food in the microwave and cook it a faster way. Another technology is internet. When using the internet, we find more and interesting information to talk about. A DVD is also an example of technology because we are allowed to view movies, and to me, the movies are better on DVDs.  Most times, the internet is right because the sources are more credible, and most people understand the sources.  The reason why technology is good for us is because we get things faster, and it is more convenient for us as well. Also, technology is good because it is always right, and it never failed us, at least not in my eyes.  Technology is good because it makes the world go around faster because we know that if we have technology, then we can get anything.

The reason why technology can be bad at times is because if it get messed up, then everything around it would be affected. If technology went bad, then people would be miserable because we depend on technology day to day. Also, if you are on the internet, and you bring up the wrong information, then that information can affect the way you feel about technology. Sometimes, people abuse technology, and use it for bad causing others not wanting to use it. I never understood why people treat technology the way they do, but they need to appreciate it because without it, what would the world be like?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Job History

I work at Kroger's on Siebenthaler. I been there for 2 years, and its a job, so I'm thankful to have one as of today. I work in customer service, and I been working in customer service for six months at the max. Before working in customer service, I worked at the gas station, and as a cashier. Working in the gas is totally different from working in customer service because customer service comes with more responbilties and patiences. Working in customer service, you have to know how to work register, work lottery, work u scan, run floors, do western union, do refunds, coach the employees, and deal with all kind of customers. I knew the responbilties that I was willing to take when I took the position because they told me that it is not easy, but if I'm fair, firm and consistent with everyone then I will make it.  At times, I don't like working at Krogers because I get frustrated, and become irritable with people. Another reason why I'm like that is because I want something new, and want to meet new people.

I like working with my coworkers because they are hilarious, and the keep me laughing. They always have something new to talk about when I come to work. Sometimes we  crack jokes on one another because it makes our time go by faster. We also have the customers laughing because of the jokes we be cracking. Another thing is that have me laughing is when we they get in trouble. It's funny because their reactions are overwhelming and sometimes they don't no how to handle their trouble.

I work only Saturday and Sunday because of school. Working weekends is better than working through out the week because I can focus on school more. When I'm at work, I keep school in my past, and interact with my coworkers.l My coworkers are  always excited to see me come to work because they say I make it fun, and keep them laughing. Working with the public is something I've always wanted to do because I always needed to see if I fit in with the public, and I do. Working at Krogers is fun and interesting.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

I didn't feel no way when I heard that Osama Bin Laden was dead. The  reason why I say that is because it didn't affect me, nor did it change the way I felt about 911. I feel for the families who lost loved ones because they didn't deserve that. At the same time, I don't care what happened to Osama Bin Laden because all the disaster he called was wrong, mean, ignorant, and rude. I disagree with the US Troops killing him because that wasn't their place to do that, and I also disagree with the conflict that was caused between us and them.

I think that America is happy because Osama Bin Laden is dead and they don't got to worry about terroists coming over to the US and bombing us again. I can tell that America is rejoiced about his death because everybody keep stating that he got what he deserves, and they are happy because he is finally dead. America can relax knowing that Osama Bin Laden is now dead, and live in peace again.

I think it affected Obama Administration because people probably thought he had a part in it. I say that is because as him being President, Troops is going to listen to his commands and follow through with them. I'm not saying that Obama had a part in it, nor do I care who gave the command, but someone did, and the finger will probably be pointed at Obama all because he is President of the United States.I also feel that Obama might have a lot to deal with because Osama death happened in Obama's country, and by Obama's Troops.

I really feel for the people who was destroyed and taken out the world because of nonsense, and if I could, I would try and bring them back. I don't care nor do I have any remorse for Osama Bin Laden because he ruined a lot of lives, and took innocent people away from there family. He didn't deserve to die the way he did,  but he had it coming for himself. My condolences goes out to Osama family, and the people families who were affected by 911.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I'm a Facebook user. I joined Facebook February of 2008. I have 2200 friends on there. I only talk to the ones I know such as close friends, family, coworkers, my managers, teachers, and etc. At times, Facebook can be addicting because it’s a social networking, and sometimes you can find out a lot about a person. Facebook causes trouble, but its u to you if you want to be a part of the drama. I put meaningful things, or something that represents me on my status because when people view my page, I want them to get a good understanding of the person I am. I also feel comfortable with the postings on my status because a lot of people be liking my status. 

I'm confident when it comes down to my manager or coworker to view my page because my page doesn’t reveal   much, nor does it exploit me. My page is always clean because I don’t like my page to be filled with a lot of nonsense, so I delete posts as I go. When viewing my page, I like my page to be clean and organized nicely. I don’t just keep my page clean for my employment, but I do it because people are noisy, and sometimes they will try to be in your business. I feel like if a person’s page reveals a lot that it shouldn’t stop them from getting a job because you will never know unless you give them a chance. Also, in my eyes that’s wrong to stereotype a person because of their Facebook page. 

I think that companies jump on Facebook bandwagon is because they try to copy there theme, understand their logos, see what the company is about, and how they became about. I also feel that most business interfere with other business because they are jealous of the outcome, and try to take their customers. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


My major is Pre Law. I choose this field because I always wanted to be a lawyer.  Another reason why I want to be a lawyer is because everytime I turn around, I hear the same majors that everyone wants to be. I like to be different, and I also like to help others out. Being a lawyer is something I've always wanted to be a lawyer because I like the type of major it is. I like dealing with the law, and I also like doing whats right.I see myself being in the courtroom, and doing whats right for others. I am going to be a Prosecutor because I believe  in helping the right side.

My strengths would be arguing a valid point, and winning the argument. I argue until my point is across because I like winning. Not only do I like winning, but I like for justice to be served the correct way.Another strength I have would be describing the seem, and persuading the jurors. I say that is because I convince people when I talk that you should always do whats right because if you don't then it will come back to hunt you in the end. Describing the scene is a strength because people like to imagine they there, and I would put them in the shoes that the person I'm representing was in at the moment. A strength would be writing and reading the information. I hate writing and reading because I think its boring and pointless. Now since I know that I will need reading and writing for the rest of my life, I'm adapting to it, and learning from it.

When I graduate, there are three states I plan to stay in. First state is California. I want to stay there because I never been, and when I be reading up on it, I read how nice it is. Second is Florida. I would stay in Florida because I would be close to beaches. Last but not least, I would stay in Atlanta , Georgia. I think thats the best choice for me because They don't have earthquakes, nor do they have hurricanes. Atlanta is where most wealthy people stay, and I would fit in with the population. 

My employment situation now is working at Kroger's in customer service. I don't plan to be there for long because I know where I want my future to go. I also know that Kroger's is a job just to get through college.  Another reason why Kroger isn't my ideal job is because it want pay all my bills, and in the future my desire is to live large.