Friday, June 3, 2011


If books were to be abonded, I would one meanginful book. The book I would save is the Bible. The reason why I would save that book is becasue the Bible never told me wrong, and it always guides me when I'm in need. Also, the Bible is a good book to read becasue the stories are true, and people need to know what the Bible consits of. Knowing the Bible is a good thing becasue it is very important, and it holds a powerful meaning. Sometimes when I'm down, I can read the Bible and it upholds my spirit.

Some people might not know the Bible, and some do. It is a good chance that knowning the Bible want never fail you, nor leave you behind. I always felt in knownig the Bible would bring good gesture and good thoughts, and in my eyes, it does. Sometimes, I dont like to read, but I know that I can always read the Bible and feel better than before. Reading the Bible is what I would reccommend to others who are lost and every felt like giving up on life becasue hopefully the Bible would touch you like it did me. 

I might act a fool, and pretend that I dont know the bible, but I know enough to get me through. Sometimes I dont have time for church, but when I do, I go and recieve the word! In other words, the Bible is a good book, and is a good thing becasue ou will never feel left behind because God will always be with you.